So, the 30 day challenge went a bit by the way-side, but all in all was a huge success. I had a few sick children, a traveling husband, a sinus infection, a trip to the emergency room, and a weekend out of town to deal with. But, I was able to get enough yoga inside my 30 day window to keep the sanity! And, that's why I have chosen this form of exercise. It is something just for me. Like most moms, I found that I was not putting myself or my own needs on the calendar. We pickup fresh eggs and raw milk from the farm on Mondays; we do a Montessori playdate on Tuesdays after school; we do art lessons on Thursdays; Michael does Jiu-Jitsu on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays; and I wonder why my backside gets bigger and bigger all the while. So, I finally said I'm ready to take on something for me (and, more importantly, for my backside)...
So, Bikram Yoga (hot yoga) is my choice of exercise. I go Monday - Friday every week. It's a 90 minute workout/meditation, and I am a different person (a better person) for taking the time and making the effort. I couldn't function my first week; I would go to sleep at 7pm with the kids. I was exhausted! But, if I am to be honest, I really haven't done any sort of strenuous exercise since being pregnant with Kells - and he'll be 5 next week! So, it makes sense my body would be a bit in shock.
The net of it is I am happier, healthier, stronger, leaner, more together, etc. I would highly recommend Bikram Yoga to anyone who is looking for a workout routine that does more than just get you in-shape. It is life altering...I haven't had any aches and pains since I started (I also gave my chiropractor the boot, and I feel better now than I did when I was seeing him twice weekly).
The golden rule in Bikram is "just stay in the room." No matter how you feel - just lie down, kneel on one knee, throw up, etc. Just don't break the seal (i.e. don't open the door to the outside). It is 105 degrees in the room, and it takes a bit of getting used to. But, once you learn "how to breathe through the heat," then it becomes addictive. I'm definitely hooked (and am not so terrified of bikini season now - still a bit queazy, but not afraid!) LOL!
For those of you who know how anti-bumper sticker I am...I now have a Bikram Yoga sticker underneath the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu sticker that my man put on the white whale years ago!!! I have to stick with it now.
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