Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Joys of Being a SAHM...

Well, today was my first parent-teacher conference at the Montessori school. Bowen's teacher, Ms. Laura, schedules a conference for each child 4 times throughout the year. Most parents would be looking forward to this event; however, I must admit I was a bit nervous. So, I prepared the only way I knew how. I got a babysitter for the morning, got my hair cut and highlighted, treated myself to the facial I have been promising to get for the last 12 months, and finished the first half of my day with a Moe's burrito. I was feeling quite prepared, but needed just a little something, I decided to grab a Starbuck's latte (only a Tall though) and headed for the school.

Needless to say, everything went better than expected. Bowen is writing stories using full sentences about pirates, robots, and (of course) Sponge Bob. He is doing 4 digit addition that requires him to "carry numbers to the next column." And, he has already received and accepted his first proposal for marriage, Stella Fox! So, I think I can lay off worrying about Bowen for a while. I'll just have to accept the fact that it is natural for a 6 year old boy to lose his $20 stainless steel water bottle on a daily basis, forget his jacket at least twice weekly and to leave his homework assignment at school every Friday! The trials and tribulations of a stay at home mom begin in kindergarten...

And, still no Diet Coke for this SAHM. Note: You should buy stock in tea bags though - as I am drinking my body weight in iced tea these days - just as any good Southern Lady should.

1 comment:

  1. HOW WONDERFUL!! I can't believe the math?! WAY TO GO!!
    And I for one, think you did the RIGHT think preparing for that conference!! I need to make Scott read to see what one really SHOULD do for those types of things ;)
