Well, we are coming up on our one year anniversary in South Carolina. I am so excited about the decisions we have made in simplifying our lives and really living every day to its fullest potential. With four children under six years old, it is challenging to slow down enough to take a bathroom break - much less smell the salt in the ocean breeze. However, we did make huge strides our first year on Daniel Island, SC: downsizing from the macmansion, supporting our local businesses, making natural/organic choices when available, appreciating nature and all it has to offer, and enjoying every moment we can with our amazing children and extended family.
As we embark on our second year, I hope to do an even better job of "Making the most of this life." So, I invite you to follow along on our journey. I am going to take the leap into blogdom and attempt to document our times together.
Tami, I'm so excited to be more "in touch" with you all!! I can't wait to see all the good stuff!!