I have really enjoyed my Nourishing Traditions cookbook. And, I have spent a good deal of time trying to add variety and nutrition to our daily lives. Here is a sampling of the latest attempts (Each one of these recipes is so simple to follow. The children "helped" make these with Lovey and myself this morning. All was completed within an hour.) Take a look:
Homemade Mayonnaise- 1 whole egg (room temp)
- 1 egg yolk (room temp)
- 1 teaspoon dijon mustard
- juice of 1 lemon
- 1 tablespoon whey (optional - if you want it to last more than a few days)
- 1 cup EVOO (or half cup EVOO and half cup Sunflower Oil)
- generous pinch of salt
* Blend everything together except the oil. Add oil slowly while blending.
I have decided to keep this on-hand for all "condiment" requests from my children. Luckily, I have broken all of the kids (especially Kells) from putting ranch and ketchup on every thing! However, he still asks "Is this a ketchup meal?" Most of the time it's not, but the homemade mayo allows the kids to "dip" into something a little healthier for them than any of the over-the-counter condiments. They love it, and it's great mixed with leftover chicken for a chicken salad sandwich or put on a salad as dressing. ENJOY!
Coconut-Date Rolls- 2 cups pitted dates
- 1 cup shredded, unsweetened organic coconut
- 1/2 stick butter (optional)
- 1 cup nuts (eg walnuts, pecans) (optional)
* Mix all ingredients (except coconut) in food processor (may require a little warm water to start the blending process. Roll date mixture into a ball or small bite-sized log. Roll ball of date mixture into the coconut until completely covered. Refrigerate.
This recipe requires no cooking. The kids can help without much fuss. It takes about 10 minutes to make a huge batch, and then you have a homemade dessert that is extremely healthy and filling. This is great for lunchboxes and company. ENJOY!
Sauerkraut- 1 medium cabbage, cored and shredded
- 1 TBSP caraway seeds
- 1 TBSP sea salt
- 4 TBSP whey (if not available, an extra TBSP of sea salt)
* Add all ingredients to a large mason jar. Push down cabbage to let all excess air escape. Make sure cabbage fills the jar less one inch from the top. Cover and keep at room temperature for 3 days. Transfer to refrigerator. Ready to eat. Improves with age.
This recipe is great for a side for lunch or dinner. It is full of enzymes that support digestion. I am going to try carrots next!
Whole Wheat Bread1/2 cup water
1/2 cup milk
2 TBSP Maple Syrup
1 cup bread flour or ap flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 1/2 tsp sea salt
2 tsp bread yeast
* Add ingredients to bread machine in written order. Bake on Whole Wheat setting with a light toasting finish.
This recipe is the ONLY bread recipe I have been able to do in a bread machine that is not as hard as a rock. It's great for sandwiches or for breakfast toast.